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Taxi driver training

taxi-98765The taxi assessment test is designed to test your ability to drive safely, courteously and confidently with that of an experienced driver. A higher standard of driving is therefore required than the standard learner driver test. The standard learner test permits up to 15 minors, the taxi assessment test permits a maximum of 9. The national pass rate for taxi tests is around 30%. Due to this low pass rate, professional taxi training is essential.

What’s involved in a taxi training course?

The emergency stop procedure

During the taxi assessment test, it is highly likely the examiner will require you to demonstrate the emergency stop. Our training will ensure you follow the correct procedure.


There are 4 manoeuvres, 2 of which will be requested by the test examiner. The examiner will require you to demonstrate these manoeuvres effectively, safely and to be considerate to other road users and pedestrians.

Mirrors and signaling

You will be expected to make effective use of all mirrors and at particularly hazardous times and to signal in good time to let other road users know your intension.

Making progress

The taxi test will require you take many different road types. It will be expected that you make progress when speed limits change and conditions change.

Parking safely

You will be asked on numerous occasions to park up on the left. You will be expected to park up in a safe, convenient and legal position. Also avoiding such obstacles for your passenger as lamp posts and trees.


Ability to safely overtake other vehicles.

Planing ahead

The examiner will expect you to make good use of road signs to effectively plan your journey and to take the shortest route.

How much does a taxi training course cost at Cambridge Driving School?

It generally depends on the current level of your driving. Over the years you may have built up many bad habits that will of course need to be remedied. Your current level of driving will be assessed on your first lesson, after which your instructor will provide you with the amount of hours or lessons required for you to meet the appropriate driving standard of the taxi assessment test. A standard hourly lesson is charged at £30 per hour.